Vital Statistics
Sailor Mercury Sailor Neptune Name: Mizuno Ami Name: Kaiou Michiru Birthday: September 10 Birthday: March 6 Blood Type: A Blood Type: O Hobby: reading, chess Hobby: collecting cosmetics Senshi Position: Inner Senshi Position: Outer Element: Water Element: Ocean Fighting Style: Defensive Fighting Style: Offensive Secret Weapons: None Secret Weapons: Deep Aqua Mirror Damaging Attack: Mercury Aqua Rhapsody Damaging Attack: Deep Submerge
Okay, so how exactly would Sailor Mercury match up to Sailor Neptune? Well, we put both Sailor Senshi in a high-tech space age computers, we took the information supplied by us and a special team of animators to come up with the ultimate match up! Unfortunatly, the animation would take just way too much disk space, so we have our commentators do it for us. Straight from the Death Buster Headquarters we have Mimet & Eudial!
Mimet: Hi everyone! I love action, alright, so we
have Mercury & Neptune battling! YAY! Kill! Kill! Kill!
Eudial: Quiet, the fight has begun. It seems that Neptune
has taken off somewhere, Mercury has pushed her earring,
and her visor goes down! Wait... wait... she's scanning...
scanning... she's found Neptune!
Mimet:Oooh, that Shabon Spray had to hurt!! OH! Neptune's
getting up!
Eudial: Don't forget, Mimet-chan, Shabon Spray is the
weakest of any attack except Pink Sugar Heart Attack.
Mimet: Oh yea... ACK! How sneaky! Neptune has jumped right
over Mercury's head and bashed her on the head with her mirror!
Eudial: It's perfectly in the rules, Mimet. AH! Mercury
is trying to counter with a sweep to the legs!
Mimet: Neptune jumps back... She's raising her hands
above her head... DEEP SUBMERGE! YES! The Knock goes straight to
Mercury's head!
Eudial: Looks Like Mercury-chan better hurry up and
get up, Neptune is pointing her mirror at her.
Mimet: This is better than soap operas... oh the suspense,
what is Neptune going to do? Submarine Reflection! Wow! And
I thought that was a weak attack!
Eudial: Mercury has been defeated! That was a rather
quick ending... hope everyone bet on Neptune. Till next time everyone...
Mimet & Eudial: Ja ne!
As you can see..she has absolutely no chance against Sailor Neptune, thanx for trying Mercury-chan.