This is to all the people who flame Michiru & I. Before you do, please read this, won't you? It answers and attends all of the comments and questions we get about our Anti-Mercury Page.
Saturn: That's great, it really is. However, Michiru & I are human and Mercury is an animated character. Technically, she has the IQ of zero, and we have our own. Anyway, even if she was human, I wouldn't feel threatened. My IQ is high enough for me.
Michiru: Obviously you've never seen my grades or my schedule at school, nor know nothing about my intelligence or school performance. Anyway, before anyone says school isn't everything, which I agree it isn't, that's all Ami's intelligence is- school.
Saturn: Gimme a break, almost everyone has a least favorite character. I like the show fine when there's all the other characters for me to like.
Michiru: Sailormoon is my favorite anime, and I'm certainly none the worse for disliking Ami. Besides that, most people who flame us insult Neptune and/or Saturn, so all those Mercury fans must not be real Sailormoon fans either.
Saturn: No, we will not remove this page. Don't ask, because we won't. It was made only for amusing fun, if you can't see the humor in it... look harder.
Michiru: Like we'd listen to someone who insults like a ten-year-old.
Saturn: Okay... and that hurts me.... how?
Michiru: [Yawn]
Saturn: It's great that you love Mercury, I love Saturn, you should too, but I'm not going to make you. If I saw an Anti-Saturn shrine, I would email it, but not flame it. I've emailed the No Mars Club about how they're saying ridiculous things about Rei which never happened in the original series, but on the DiC version. They finally changed it to Raye. If you've got an INTELLIGENT reason why we should like Mercury, we'll listen. Try and be like your favorite Senshi who would talk and think through a situation rather than flame it.
Michiru: It's nice that you love Mercury enough to compose an insulting one-to-twenty minute e-mail message that we'll discard upon reading... If we read it. However, we're not forcing anyone to like Neptune or Saturn, nor are we forcing anyone to hate Mercury. Anyone who changes his mind due to what we write obviously must not have really liked her in the first place.
Michiru: Saturn being the weakest senshi really is quite a funny notion. She can destroy the world in three words, and you think she's weak? On to Neptune. 'Gay' is for describing males. 'Lesbo' is, by my standards, an insulting term, though I hear in some places it's acceptable, though if you're calling her that in a response to us, I doubt you're using it endearingly. 'Homo' says a lot. Homophone, homophobe, homonym, homo sapien... Neptune's relationship with Uranus is lovely, and it's sweet that Neptune at least has someone who's willing to 'give up her soul to be with her.'